All items are manufactured in our workshop. Each item is manufactured to the very highest standards of quality with numerous stages of inspection.
Our windows can be either single or double glazed, and all windows are designed and manufactured to the very highest quality.
Our solid timber doors are created from start to finish at our fully equipped workshop in Preston, Lancashire. You can either fit them yourself or use our specialist fitters.
View Our Work Get Free QuotationWe are manufacturers of timber window frames and doors which are individually designed to complement and enhance the appearance of your property.
Contact us now for a free, no obligation quote for any of the following:
Timber is our only renewable building material. The production of other popular building materials, such as uPVC (the most common material used in modern window frames), aluminium or steel, not only involves the use of finite materials, but the processing of such materials also uses up vast quantities of fossil fuels, thus producing environment-harming carbon dioxide.
In contrast, timber harvesting has very few environmental costs and doesn’t use up fossil fuels. In fact, since many more trees are being planted for harvesting than are being used each year, choosing timber as your building material actually helps to reduce the greenhouse effect.
View Our Work Get Free QuotationTimber is actually one of the most durable and long-lasting material available for windows and doors and requires far less maintenance than it is generally perceived to, so using timber for your windows and doors could make your life easier and save you money long-term.
From start to finish, we have no complaints for service received with work carried out on our property. Damian invited ourselves to is workshop, to look at Sash Windows he was manufacturing and very glad we did, as we was spending a lot of money it is worth seeing were they are being manufactured. We replaced 23 Sash windows in our property, very impressed, was worried about all the mess it would make, but every night old frames were taken away and rooms left clean. Very competitive price for Windows, glad we went with Lancashire Timber Windows, and Damian is a nice fella .